how long does a full chest tattoo take

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Getting a full chest tattoo is a significant commitment, both in terms of time and dedication. The time it takes to complete a full chest tattoo varies depending on the size, complexity, and design of the tattoo, but on average, it can take anywhere from 8 to 20 hours or more. The process of getting a chest tattoo requires patience, trust in your tattoo artist, and a willingness to endure some discomfort. However, the result of this commitment can be a stunning and meaningful work of art that you can proudly display on your chest for a lifetime. So, if you are considering getting a full chest tattoo, be prepared for a journey that requires time, effort, and dedication but can result in a beautiful and lasting piece of body art. in this article I will tell you how long does a full chest tattoo take.

Factors Affecting the Time Required for a Full Chest Tattoo

The time required to complete a full chest tattoo can vary greatly depending on several factors, including:

Time Required for a Full Chest Tattoo

The size and complexity of the design:

The larger and more intricate the design, the longer it will take to complete. A simple design may take just a few hours, while a more complex one could take several sessions, each lasting several hours.

The skill level and experience of the tattoo artist:

A more experienced artist may be able to work faster and more efficiently, while a less experienced one may take longer.

The pain tolerance of the client:

Some people are able to sit for longer periods of time than others, depending on their pain threshold. This can affect the number of sessions required to complete the tattoo.

The healing time required between sessions:

Depending on the size and complexity of the tattoo, multiple sessions may be required to complete it. Between sessions, the tattoo will need time to heal, which can take several weeks.

Estimated Time Required for Different Sizes Chest Tattoos

Different Sizes Chest Tattoos
Size of TattooEstimated Time Required
Small (6-8 inches)1-2 hours
Medium (8-12 inches)2-4 hours
Large (12-18 inches)4-6 hours
Extra Large (18+ inches)6+ hours

Tips for Preparing for a Full Chest Tattoo

If you’re planning to get a full chest tattoo, there are a few things you can do to prepare yourself for the process:

  1. Choose a design that you love and will be happy with for the rest of your life.
  2. Choose a reputable and experienced tattoo artist.
  3. Take care of your body by eating well, staying hydrated, and getting enough rest.
  4. Wear comfortable clothing to your tattoo appointment.
  5. Be mentally prepared for the pain and discomfort that comes with getting a tattoo.

How Long Does a Chest Tattoo Take To Heal?

The healing time for a chest tattoo can vary depending on several factors, such as the size and complexity of the design, the location of the tattoo, and how well the aftercare instructions are followed. In general, a chest tattoo can take anywhere from two to four weeks to heal completely.

During the healing process, the tattoo will go through several stages. Initially, the tattooed area may feel sore and tender, and there may be some redness and swelling. As the days pass, the tattoo will scab over and begin to peel. It’s important not to pick or scratch at the scabs, as this can damage the tattoo and prolong the healing process. It’s also essential to keep the tattoo clean and moisturized to prevent infection and promote healing. but good sleep is the major factor to recover faster.

Aftercare Instructions for a Chest Tattoo

Aftercare instructions are essential for ensuring that your chest tattoo heals properly and looks its best for years to come. Following these instructions will minimize the risk of infection, scarring, fading, and other complications. Here are the detailed aftercare instructions for a chest tattoo:

Leave the Bandage On

After your chest tattoo is complete, your tattoo artist will cover it with a bandage to protect it from bacteria and other contaminants. It’s important to leave the bandage on for at least two hours, but no more than four hours. This will give the tattoo time to settle and help prevent infection.

Wash the Tattoo Gently

After removing the bandage, gently wash your chest tattoo with warm water and mild, unscented soap. Use your hands to lather the soap and gently wash the tattoo, being careful not to scrub too hard or use a washcloth. Rinse the tattoo with warm water and pat it dry with a clean towel.

Apply a Thin Layer of Ointment

After washing the tattoo, apply a thin layer of ointment or tattoo aftercare cream to the tattooed area. This will help keep the tattoo hydrated and prevent it from drying out. Apply the ointment using clean hands or a clean, disposable applicator.

Repeat the Washing and Moisturizing Process

Repeat the washing and moisturizing process two to three times a day for the first week. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly before touching the tattoo to avoid introducing bacteria into the tattooed area. Apply a thin layer of ointment or tattoo aftercare cream each time you wash the tattoo.

Avoid Tight Clothing and Irritation

Avoid wearing tight clothing or anything that will rub against the tattooed area, as this can cause irritation and prolong the healing process. Loose, breathable clothing is best during the healing period. Additionally, avoid anything that could cause friction or irritation, such as backpack straps or seat belts.

Avoid Direct Sunlight and Water

Avoid exposing your chest tattoo to direct sunlight or tanning beds until it is fully healed. UV rays can cause the tattoo to fade or discolour, so it’s essential to keep it covered or shaded during this time. Additionally, avoid soaking the tattoo in water for at least two weeks, including swimming pools, hot tubs, and baths.

Be Patient

Tattoos take time to heal, so be patient and give your chest tattoo the time it needs to heal properly. The healing process can take several weeks, and during this time, the tattoo may scab over, peel, and itch. It’s essential not to pick or scratch at the scabs or peeling skin, as this can damage the tattoo and prolong the healing process. Most people want to get a tattoo on their back and what are the expenses of this tattoo


Getting a full chest tattoo can be a rewarding and meaningful experience, but it’s important to understand the time required to complete it. The size and complexity of the design, the skill level and experience of the tattoo artist, the pain tolerance of the client, and the healing time required between sessions are all factors that can affect the time required to complete a full chest tattoo. By choosing a design you love, a reputable artist, and taking care of your body, you can prepare yourself for the process and ensure a positive experience.

Related Faqs

The time it takes to get a full chest tattoo depends on the size, complexity, and design of the tattoo. On average, it can take anywhere from 8 to 20 hours or more to complete a full chest tattoo.

It is possible to complete a full chest tattoo in one session, but it’s not recommended due to the length of time it takes and the potential discomfort for the client. It’s more common to break up the tattoo into several sessions to allow for proper healing and minimize discomfort.

The number of sessions it takes to complete a full chest tattoo depends on the size and complexity of the design, as well as the client’s pain tolerance and healing process. Typically, it takes two to four sessions to complete a full chest tattoo.

The cost of a full chest tattoo varies depending on the tattoo artist, their experience and skill level, and the size and complexity of the design. On average, a full chest tattoo can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 or more.

The healing time for a full chest tattoo varies depending on the individual and their healing process. On average, it takes two to four weeks for a chest tattoo to heal, but it can take up to six weeks or more for larger and more complex tattoos.

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